Friday, February 1, 2008

God Is Good

By Maggie Brittain

Three simple words that made such an impact on my life and continues day by day. These are life-giving words, words of wisdom, words of hope, words that can take a spirit and lift it to higher ground. "God is good."

He never changes, the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8. On that verse, our hope can stand secure on the solid Rock.

As a young Christian, I was fooled into thinking that life would get easier and major difficulties would become a thing of the past. However, life got a lot meaner, times got leaner and many times, I would hear those three little words, "God is good."

There was a lot of confusion in the early days of my walk with our Lord. I read just about everything I could get my hands on that would enable me to have a better understanding. I read my Bible every day but life continued to get ugly from lack of money, chronic illness to loss of friends.

Getting angry with God was about a two-year struggle. I could never completely turn my back on God; however, I wasn't as close as I should have been either. There was one attack after another with no end in sight.

Over and over the words would come back into my mind that a little old preacher man uttered to me upon leaving Sunday services, "God is good." I always thought it odd how he never said anything else to me, only those three words.

Many nights I'd lay awake wondering if God is so good, why am I sick without reason, why am I struggling to feed and clothe my little boy? Why, why why? All that ever came back in response to my questioning is that "God is good."

As the years passed, so did my many questions. Through that time, I learned that God is good, He is the Best Friend I ever had, He stuck with me when others turned away, He never left me when I gave Him every reason to do so.

I don't ask God why any more, I have no reason to as I've learned to trust Him regardless of how grim a situation may look. How things appear is seldom the real issue.

Grab a hold of the greatest blessing that God Himself has given to us. Take the opportunity to know Him personally, up close from your heart to His. Ask Him to show you where He is in your day because we are often too busy to see Him. He gladly reveals Himself just because we ask Him.

All this is ours simply because God is good.

Copyright 2008 Maggie Brittain


Are you a good person?