Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Whose Strength?

'my strength is made perfect in weakness'. - 1 Corinthians 12:9 (KJV)

This is a scripture that has meant alot to me over the years. It started to mean so much in 1999, when I first got into the university (college). Even then, it took awhile to sink in. What I thought it meant was that I was not supposed to be weak. And that was tough. I tried so hard to be strong all of the time but like we all know, that is downright impossible. So I beat myself up each time I thought I'd failed. Again.

It's amazing how patient our Lord is with His children. I'm pretty sure that each time I wallowed in guilt and self pity He sadly shook His head. If I'd listened Iprobably would have heard Him say, Child, slow down. Let me be strong for you.

Well, I finally learnt to listen and I heard. His strength has indeed been perfected through my many weaknesses; I did not have to BE strong all the time. In fact, I did not have to be strong at all. I just needed to rely on Him and on His strength. He has been perfectly willing to be the macho man in my life; fight my battles for me; bolster me up when I'm drooping with fatigue; fill me with joy when I am weak... the list is endless!

God has indeed been faithful.

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